Girl trembles even when touched, eating, drinking, laughing and crying all stopped, know why this situation happened?

Girl trembles even when touched, eating, drinking, laughing and crying all stopped, know why this situation happened?

At the age of 18, a girl suffered from such a rare disease that she could neither cry nor talk. He is unable to even walk. Can’t eat or drink by myself. Every moment he feels that he is about to die. She trembles even with normal touch. Even the sound of a normal whistle seems as frightening to him as a bomb explosion. The light stings the eyes. The pain is so unbearable that she cannot bear it.

According to the Mirror report, Millie Mackensh, a resident of England, said – I feel that I am dying. I am in constant pain. I am in pain, but the doctors are not listening to me. I can’t bear it anymore. Because of this I always have to remain confined to a quiet room. Milly did not feel like eating at first. Was always tired. When the family members consulted the doctors, they thought that perhaps there was a problem related to eating and drinking. But later it was found out that it was Myalgic Encephalomyelitis infection.

body becomes completely incapacitated
Due to this syndrome known as ME, the body becomes completely disabled. Sometimes it becomes very dangerous and even leads to the death of the patient. At present there is no direct treatment for it. It is identified only by symptoms and based on that, treatment is done, which may take years. Doctors only try to reduce the symptoms with treatment. Its patient can never return to its previous condition.

even a low sound sounds quite dangerous
The patient finds even the smallest sound quite dangerous. He cannot even tolerate the sound of feet on the floor or any kind of vibration. There is unbearable pain. This is a painful situation. Milly’s mother said, my daughter begs to go home every day. She keeps crying. She repeatedly asks me to take her home. We will die here. I am so sad that I cannot even take my daughter out of this hell. Can’t eat food. Therefore milk and food are given through a tube. It seems as if he is being tortured.

Tags: Bizarre news, OMG News, trending news, Viral news

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